Staff engagement in the NHS - Part 2 - Engage Colleague

Staff engagement in the NHS – Part 2

03 Feb 2021, posted in

It’s official – increasing staff engagement in hospitals could be an effective means of enhancing patient safety.

A report just published by Manchester University [The Association Between Health Care Staff Engagement and Patient Safety Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis] has examined the evidence and concluded that there is a significant relationship between engagement and both safety culture scores and errors/adverse events in hospitals.

The report says that engaging hospital staff by enabling them to raise concerns and contribute to service improvement can prevent poor-quality care. In addition, staff engagement can be used as a strategy for building safety into healthcare – effective systems and processes alone cannot improve safety.

The report concludes that increasing staff engagement could offer an impactful and cost-effective means of enhancing a range of patient safety outcomes. I was talking to Engage’s co-founder John Porter the other day and he summed it up really well:

“It may be a stretch to say we live and breathe staff engagement, but we certainly give it a lot of thought and we know how to help organisations make a success of engagement programs. And you don’t start with a solution, or clever tech. You start by having an honest conversation about your challenges and then figure out where the opportunities are. The tech is a tool to deliver on your ambition to do the right thing for your staff and your patients alike.”

Catherine Davies is an adviser to tech companies partnering with the NHS so people get the care they need

